Friday, May 31, 2013

Report: Week 4!!!

Well friends, it's been a month!  Here's a run down of the status of my weight and health:

  • I have lost a total of 6.6lbs in 4 weeks!  I wish the number was higher, of course, but I lost weight!  I haven't counted calories or done a lot of exercising, but I've been sticking to my Blood Type Diet.
  • I am getting into the swing of the diet.  It's starting to feel a little more normal.  Pinterest has helped as I try to incorporate more meatless dishes into the meal rotation. 
  • One interesting thing I have noticed is that food isn't feeling the same.  Eating just isn't as fun as it used to be.  Maybe I am beginning to move into the "eat to live" realm.  My food isn't that exciting.  Additionally, when I eat off plan (which again, is rare), I get it's not usually worth it. 
  • My tummy is less puffy.  That might sound like a silly report to you, but I can go up an entire clothing size just because my tummy is puffy.  The candida cleanse has helped remedy this.  As a result, my clothes are feeling a little bit looser, even though I haven't really lost enough weight to change sizes.
  • My mental health has improved...most days.  When I am feeling good, I am feeling GOOD!  I still have depression though and am susceptible to triggers.  Sleeplessness, dreary weather, and being off from work have contributed to some melancholy.
The plan is to keep following the Blood Type Diet, taking the herbal metformin, taking my vitamins, and continuing to see the naturopathic doctor.  She is running a handful of new blood tests to check several different hormone levels.  I hope to get some additional answers from these tests.  I have some suspicions about what she might discover, but we'll see. 

The doctor I see is also a specialist in neurotransmitters, so I also plan to chat with her about my depression and anxiety to see what she recommends.  There are a few herbal remedies that I have tried in the past, but I will feel WAY more comfortable using herbal meds in the care of a doctor. 

One month down and... well...forever to go!  I imagine as time passes eating this way will become second nature.  I desire to do what is necessary to be physically and mentally healthy.  While there only so much control a person has over such things, I feel like it's my responsibility to take good care of my health.

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