Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Chance For Sporting

On a whim, I joined a softball team this Spring.  I was in a mood, an opportunity presented itself, and I went with it.  Full disclosure:  I haven't played softball since intramurals in college.  Sooooo....it's been a while...and it shows.

I can't hit or throw.  Every at-bat ends in an out.  They have me playing catcher...in this league, that's where you relegate your weakest player.  We haven't won a game.  My natural inclination is to get very disappointed in myself and maybe bow out. 

The reality is, I spent good money to join this league.  I've committed to it and it's only for a few more weeks.   Additionally, my team is very cool.  They aren't mean and don't make me feel bad that I suck at softball. 

I do want to improve though, so I should spend some time tossing the ball around again.  Batting practice would also prove beneficial.  Truthfully, I will always be slow...but I can get a little faster.  The road from home to first is just a short sprint, right?

At the end of the day this is just a rec league for grown ups to have a little fun.  I get to be active and social at the same time...win-win...even if we don't win.   

In the Fall...KICKBALL!  WOO!

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