Thursday, May 9, 2013

Exceeds Expectations

The Foster Forum was last night.  I had mentally prepared to be triggered by talking about fostering.  While today my emotions feel a little bit tender, I'm probably not going to become depressed. 

It's easier for me to focus on failure than to sift through the pain and find the good things that came out of the experience of fostering.  Our foster care deacon is sensitive to that.  The tone of the evening was one of affirmation and support.  She spent a good amount of time reminding all of us that we had done and are doing good work for the children in our city.  Last night was a good reminder that there is a time to dig in and take challenges AND a time to exhale and reflect on the profits of our labor. 

We still don't plan to take foster children again.  BUT, I attended a meeting about the topic without getting triggered.  That's progress...the beginning of healing.  It will be interesting to see how God can use that season of our life for the welfare of others. 

NOTE:  Thank you to anyone who prayed for me.  I needed it and benefited from it! 

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