Thursday, May 9, 2013

Self Care: Getting Out

Definition: Most people believe that an extrovert is a person who is friendly and outgoing. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. Basically, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone.
I've known that I was an extrovert since my first days in school.  My personality is gregarious and social.  I have an innate aptitude for making people feel valued and for making connections with others.  It's how I was created and I celebrate that!  That being said, becoming a stay at home mom has seriously limited opportunities for expressing my extroversion.   
Early in my journey of motherhood, I discovered that I would have to be WAY more intentional about getting around people.  There was a compelling force in my heart.  It insisted that I needed to be OUT of my house.  My infant would get buckled into his little car seat and we would get out...almost every day.  The interesting thing about being an actual extrovert is that I can get energy from the most superficial of connections (if I need to).  While having meaningful connections fills me up more deeply, simply chatting with a strange new mommy at the park would help.  Truthfully, I could even get my people needs met by having a brief interaction with the grocery check out lady!
Here are some outlets I have found for my extroversion:
  • MOPS...Mothers Of PreSchoolers.  I went to my first MOPS when my first baby was 7 weeks old.  There was a two year hiatus after we moved, but I joined again this year and have LOVED it.
  • Girls Night Out...The moms in my neighborhood have a standing date twice a month for Happy Hour.  It's wonderful!  We've been meeting for two years!
  • Playdates/Community play groups
  • Porch parties
  • Classes/book studies/women's church activities
  • Working part time
  •  Giving myself permission to linger after church just to talk with people
It's easy to feel guilty to leaving my children.  I've had to just get over that.  It's my role to set an emotional tone for my home.  Finding healthy and appropriate ways to nourish my heart is not's self care.

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