Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Preparing For the Worst

Tomorrow evening I will be attending our church's "Fostering Forum".  It's supposed to be small and intimate.  We are meeting at a local restaurant...so it promises to be low key.  Here's the thing though...for the last year, talking/thinking about foster care has (at least) put me in a funk for a few days thereafter OR (at worst) sent me spiraling into weeks of full on depression.

When I saw the invitation for it, my first response was "hell no, I'm not going to that!"  But, my friend (who is a foster mom and the coordinator of the event) texted a few of us (particularly those of us who'd had bad experiences) and personally asked us to attend.  I agreed to go.  My only stipulation was that I would be allow to be completely honest about our experience.  She supported that. 

I've already made a mental outline of what I want to say.  I WILL find a way to communicate a few key things.  I don't care how they are received or whether or not they will be popular...I feel like I have some wisdom and truth to share...even if it goes against the "party line".  It's not that I want to be combative or negative (necessarily), but it was SUCH a painful, path altering, faith shaking event in my life, that I feel like I need to be honest with my Christian brothers and sister about it. 

As I prepare to go to this meeting, I am bracing for the mental backlash.  That means I will need to make sure I ask God to allow me to speak truth in peace and love.  I will also ask a few friends to pray for me.  I'll need to be careful about making time to de-stress from the situation as well.  Maybe it won't be as bad as I am fearing, but it very well could be. 

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