Tuesday, May 7, 2013


So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
~ 1Corinthians 13:13

I've been feeling really, really good for about a week.  A combination of several things has created a positive environment for a healthy outlook.  One component is some encouragement that I received from a podcast sermon by Tim Keller.  It was about being a Christian and feeling bad.  His point was, basically...that's just life here on Earth.  It does not do us any good to be sad because we are sad....or depressed because we are depressed.  That resonated with me.  I always feel EXTRA bad because I shouldn't feel bad and it just increases the intensity of my depression.

Part of the surge of happiness is sweet, sweet sunshine! Serotonin and sunshine are a winning mental health combination!

Another factor is finding a direction to walk toward with regard to my health and diet.  That's created a new sense of hope that I might, one day, feel better.  Hope is a powerful antidepressant! I've also been regularly working and getting a lot of social interaction. 

Since I am feeling better, I am once again getting to enjoy all of my relationships.  I am truly and immensely blessed by the sheer amount of people in my life who love me.  I have supportive and caring parents.  My sister and I enjoy a deeply caring (and fun) relationship.  I find myself surrounded by a long suffering and sweet husband, kids who think I am the best mom in the world (most days), best friends, new friends, Facebook friends, church friends, and neighborhood friends.

Please don't think I'm bragging about my impressive list of social connections.  I, myself, am often astounded that God has placed so many amazing people in my life.  They are being highlighted and celebrated today because I know for absolute sure that God uses the faces, shoulders, and voices of the people in my life to remind me that He loves me.

When I think that there is no joy in life, my sister tells me a story, and in minutes I am laughing so hard I'm crying.  When I think that I am worthless and unlovable, my toddler enthusiastically shouts "I love you MAMA!".  When I'm really beating myself up about my mistakes, I am cheered up by others who have found ways to give themselves grace and have shared it on Facebook or through their blog.  When my heart hurts too much to feel the abstract love of God, He appoints a neighbor to speak kind words to me. 

I am humbly and eternally grateful for these relationships.  It is my hope, that in their time of need, I will find myself being used by God to show love to them

Thank you.

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