Friday, May 10, 2013

Report: Week 1

I feel like I've done a lot of week 1 reports this year! In my commitment to get healthy physically and mentally, I've tried a lot of things.  Since I finally saw a doctor regarding my weight, I can rest assured that I will be sticking with this plan for a while. 

My A+/candida diet began last Friday.  So far I have lost 2.5-ish lbs.  I say "ish" because I've lost 3, went up 5 from there, and lost some again putting me at 2.5lbs from my starting weight.  I think I only need to weigh myself once a week.  That will slow down some of the anxiety about whether or not the diet is working. 

I am proud to say that I haven't cheated on this diet.  7 days of fidelity!  Yay!   It honestly hasn't been too bad.  For most of 2013 I have been avoiding sugar, dairy, and grains.  So that's not such a shock to my system.  I am discovering that the combination of foods I am currently permitted to have is not often found on a restaurant menu.  Even salads, soups, gluten free dishes, and appetizers either have a vegetable or a cheese I am avoiding.  I've had a few tablespoons of tomato or peppers here and there...but they were eaten at restaurants.  I decided to go with the "spirit" of the diet and just make the best choice I can make when I go out to eat.

In the arena of mental health, I have decided to reserve judgement about the diet.  I am feeling REALLY good.  But, I want to give it some time to see if I'm running on sunshine and hope or if the diet is really helping this much.  That is to say, I am CERTAINLY going to enjoy this season of feeling normal, but I am unsure whether or not I am ready to attribute it to the diet. 

I just got my blood sugar control supplement I have no official report on that.

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