Friday, May 24, 2013

Geek Pride Day and the Nerd Who Celebrates It

May 25th has been official Geek Pride Day since 2008.  I don't consider myself a geek.  I am a nerd...but I can't find a Nerd Pride, I'll jump onto this holiday to celebrate my people.  (I can't imagine my Geek friends will mind if we Nerds co-opt their special day...geeks are cool like that.) 

Contrary to popular belief, there is a HUGE difference between geeks and nerds.  Geeks= Napoleon Dynamite...Nerds= Sheldon Cooper...or something like that at least. We who consider ourselves Geeks and Nerds all understand that they are not the same identity.  For those of you who don't here is a fun infographic about the differences.

Geeks vs Nerds
From: While I don't think it's entirely accurate...I'd say it's a fair assessment of the difference between geeks and nerds.  I am weird in that I am a social nerd.  I love me some biology and I love me some happy hour with my girlfriends.  That's actually a very rare combination!  There is also some crossover in movies and pop culture...but not always. 

Here are some nerdy things I love.
  • Reading Science Fiction...not weird alien stuff...but fiction...about Science...think Michael Crichton, Ray Bradbury, and George Orwell.
  • Watching Science Fiction...Warehouse 13, Eureka, Mythbusters, old Twilight Zones, Trek over Wars ANY DAY, Big Bang Theory, documentaries on PBS, any sort of thriller or mystery that requires high level inferences to figure out the plot twist. 
  • BIOLOGY!!!... human, animal, plant....I am ALL about it!
  • Earth Physics...I have way more knowledge about meteorological convection patterns and plate tectonics than the average woman on the street. 
  • Jeopardy and Trivial Pursuit.  I try out to be on Jeopardy every year...true story.
  • Words...I am a WORD NERD.  I think the best resource ever invented was the thesaurus.  Why use boring words when you can use extraordinary words?! 
  • Glasses. No seriously.  I have always wanted glasses.  I just got my first pair this Spring and I couldn't be happier. Also, I am only attracted to men who wear glasses.  Husband...he's bespectacled (and a fellow nerd...I married a software engineer). 
  • WIL WHEATON!!!!!
  • Learning.  I will be a learner until the day that I die.  If I could afford it, I would be a professional student.
  • Cardigans, white button-down collared shirts, comfortable shoes.
  • Folk music...think Peter, Paul, and Mary...Mamas and Papas...this Lumineer/Avett Bros/Mumford thing that's going on this year is RIGHT up my alley.
Geeks and Nerds do have many things in common.  First and foremost, we've had to get comfortable in our own skin in ways that are different from the "average" person.  It's hard to be different...especially when you are young and conformity is king.  Secondly, we both have areas of expertise.  Nerds are generally academically oriented.  Geeks have more of a pop culture bent.  Both have profound knowledge of their areas of interest as well as a vibrant passion for the things they love. 

Finally, there is strong anecdotal evidence that both nerds and geeks (who both tend to be highly intelligent) have a higher than average occurrence of depression and bipolar disorder.  The actual scientific studies are a little bit muddled as socioeconomic status, family dynamics, and other factors make it difficult to isolate intelligence from the other variables.  There are several lists on the interwebs of famous people who have mental health issues (examples here and here).  On all of the lists there are scientists, inventors, statesmen, artist, authors, poets, composers, musicians, and actors (including my beloved Wil Wheaton).  This world would not be the same if some mentally ill nerds and geeks hadn't blessed us with their giftedness.   

Tomorrow is Geek (Nerd) Pride Day!  I'm going to commemorate it by wearing my Big Bang Theory T-shirt, drinking decaf out of my caffeine molecule mug, and attending a local children's music festival!  If you are a Geek or Nerd...find a fun way to celebrate!  If you love a Geek or Nerd...tell them how grateful you are that they are alive!  If you are a Geek or Nerd who thinks they might have a mental illness...get help!  You see, we are special...and it's time we took pride in that! 

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