Wednesday, May 22, 2013

School, Diversity, and Worship

Last night my husband, myself, and my toddler trekked over to my oldest son's school.  It was the biggest event of the year: Multicultural Night.  The school he attends is a language immersion magnet school so there are LOTS of different cultures represented by both the curriculum and the student body.  Every time there is a school wide event I get overcome with's why...

The school my son attends in the heart of an urban district in the Midwest.  Since it is a magnet school, the population of the school represents the diversity of the whole city...not just one neighborhood.  Each time there is a Christmas program, school carnival, talent show, etc, I look around at the crowd...and I am amazed.

Around me I see dark faces standing next to light faces.  People who have Master's degrees are sharing the same space as people who are on government assistance. There are brand new immigrants sitting next to people who have never left this city.  It's beautiful.

When the kids are performing the sounds of the audience are equally as beautiful.  In the applause I  hear the sharp "Aye Aye Aye" of the Latin parents.  During the songs I hear "Go on girl!" from dark women with one hand raised high.  Amid clapping I hear the enthusiastic "Wooo"s  of the Caucasians.

Most of us are not best friends with each other, but for the moments we are together, we are all doing the same thing. We are celebrating our children...hoping the best for them...bursting with pride for them...loving them.  While it might sound naive or kumbayah-tastic, when I see all of the different faces melting together into one crowd, I am compelled to worship God.  It is such a magnificent picture of His creation.  I can't help but be aware that this is a glimpse of what heaven will be like.

More often than not, it's painful for me to be an emotional creature.  It can make life very hard.  But, when I get to feel the wonder of true diversity and absorb glory of a God who is the most talented artist, I am grateful that He has made me sensitive. 

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