Saturday, May 18, 2013


I've had three small splurges in the last 24 hours.  And doggone it if I don't feel terrible. 

1. Glass of red wine.  I am allowed to have wine on my A+ diet, but not my Candida diet.  We had a small neighborhood get-together last night. It's been hard for me to refuse alcohol in social situations.  I chose a small glass and only had one glass and sipped on it for a good 30 minutes. I woke up this morning feeling dehydrated and sluggish. 

2.Larabar. Homemade Larabars are ALL over my Pinterest feed.  They looked so delectable that I decided to check out the pins.  As it turns out, these fruit and nut bars are totally OK for my A+ diet (again, not for candida...which ends in two weeks).   There are only 4 ingredients...dates, unsweetened dried cherries, almonds, and unsweetened cocoa.

I went ahead and made them...planning to use them as a special treat.  They were really easy to make and VERY tasty.  However, they were SO sweet.  The recipe says that it makes 10 bars, but I decided to cut it into 16 bars because I couldn't handle that much sugar...even the natural kind.   After I ate one I felt nauseous from the sweetness.  I didn't want to eat anything for most of the rest of the day. 

3. Dark Chocolate.  I tossed a tablespoon of dark chips on my frozen yogurt tonight.  I am allowed to have yogurt.  I chose vanilla and strawberry, which are less sweet than the other flavors (like red velvet and chocolate chip cookie).  I topped this yogurt with pecans (which are fine) and then threw the chips on as a little splurge.  I totally wish I hadn't.

As it turns out, I don't really like chocolate chips.  I always thought that I was a chocoholic, but since getting off of sugar I've discovered that I really enjoy the simple flavor of vanilla more. 

Tonight, I'm feeling sluggish and my tummy feels kind of sick.  I think I'm done with splurges for a while.  Half a bottle of wine is still hanging out the fridge...the Larabars are going into the freezer...and I'm gonna stick to my no sugar's really for the best.

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