Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Self Care: Rocking Out

One of the tools that my therapist has given me is the concept of "self care".  Self care is making sure that YOU have some of your needs met so that you have more margin to care for others.  The most common parallel example given is that of the oxygen masks on an airplane.  If the cabin loses pressure, masks drop down from the ceiling.  Adults are always advised to place their masks on FIRST before helping the children.  It may seem counter intuitive for a mother to seemingly neglect her poor child...but the flight attendants explain that if the mother is not able to breathe, she won't be able to help anyone.  Taking care of one's self so that they can take care of others. Self care.

I struggle with self care...as do many mothers.  Putting my needs first can seem selfish and often like a waste of valuable time.  It isn't.   In fact, it's vital that mothers practice self care. 

Some readers will already have ten ideas for self care coursing through their brain right about now.  I don't.  Relaxing has never been a strong suit for me.  Achieve, produce, make interpersonal connections.  That's what I know and where I am often most comfortable.  Since being "strongly encouraged" to practice self care, I've had to figure out what it is that fills up my energy, love, and peace reserves. 

I will likely do some short series on the different things I do to take care of myself. Tonight I am focusing on what I am doing right now...not writing (although, that is one).  After dinner tonight we rearranged my toddler's room.  We ended up bringing the rocking recliner from his room down into the living room. 

Right now I am rocking peacefully in 'ma chair.  I'm loving it.  For you, this might be a ridiculous example of self care.  But, I found a spot in my home that is specifically designed for soothing.  (It works for babies, right?!)  I'm not sure I am capable of being uptight while rocking in a rocking chair.   Peace.

Self care is about finding how you can get some "oxygen".  This rocking chair is working tonight...I'm goin' with it!

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