Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Results Are In...December Update

Right before Thanksgiving I did a follow up spit test to check my hormone and adrenal levels.  After waiting for the lab to process the results, I saw my naturopath today and got good news about my adrenals.  I've moved from Level 7 adrenal fatigue to Level 4!  That means we're on the right track.  She switched my medications and we will keep actively working on it for another 3 months. I am hopeful that we can resolve my cortisol issues.

The rest of the labs were not as good.  I still have high estrogen and low progesterone...that means 3 more months of medication to try and balance my levels.  It's been so long since I was out of balance that I can't even imagine a world where I don't have hormone issues.

We then moved onto the topic of mental health since I have seen my annual uptick in anxiety. ( I chose this naturopathic doctor because she is a specialist in neurotransmitters.)  We haven't run the tests yet, but she is conjecturing that I have some deeper issues than just low serotonin.  I have symptoms of several different nutrient absorption disorders that cause neurotransmitter imbalances.  In March we will run the tests to see for sure if I have one of the disorders that she suspects.  Thankfully, even if I test positive the remedy is fairly simple...but the effects would be dramatic.

I really do have hope that we can remedy a lot of the junk I am dealing with health-wise.  The thing that I appreciate most about naturopathic medicine is that they desire to get at the root of the issue...the WHY?  Ultimately, treating the cause instead of just the symptoms is going to be more beneficial.  So, for now, I will keep working the Type A diet, taking my obscene amount of supplements (10), and livin' life...and hopefully my next 3 month report will show more improvement. 

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