Friday, May 24, 2013

Report: Week 3

This week was pretty hard.  There was a day or two of chicken/vegetable burnout.  I stayed on plan (mostly...see this post), but I didn't wanna!  To remedy that feeling of food burnout, I spent some quality time on Pinterest looking for some new vegetarian recipes.  Fortunately most Paleo and Gluten Free recipes can be adapted for this particular diet.  A few new recipes are on the plan for this week...I'll let you know if they help.

I only lost 1 pound this week.  It's a constant fight to stay positive when the results seem to shrink in comparison to the effort...but I have to keep trucking.  Even if I am not getting magnificent results, I am getting some.  Seeing the scale go down IS progress...even if it's a tiny increment. 

There are a few things I can modify.  First, I eat entirely too much chicken.  I plan to add more vegetarian meals into my diet.  Secondly, those darn Larabars are SO good.  I can't resist them. To save myself from them, I put them in the freezer...which only made them BETTER.  I need to just save that recipe for special occasions.  Finally, I've decided to stop being such a hardass and allow myself to use some stevia now and then.  I added one packet of Stevia In The Raw to my homemade garlic lime made all the difference in the world.  Sometimes recipes need a touch of sweet to bring it all together.  I am allowed to have stevia...I'm giving myself permission to use it occasionally.

My mental health has been a little spotty.  In general, I am feeling really good.  However, I've had a few bad days/bad hours nestled into this week.  There's been some really severe depressive moments and some irritability.  My sleep patterns are off too, so that's probably not helping. 

As I look forward toward this next week, I see some possible snags in the plan.  It's a holiday weekend.  My family will participate in communal meals at least twice...we will need to eat out at least once.  I've done my best to commit to bring dishes that I am allowed to eat, but it's still going to be hard.  On Monday my husband is BBQing pork ribs.  I am not supposed to eat pork...but ribs, come on, right?!  In order to navigate that situation, I have chosen a plan that will keep me on track with my diet, EXCEPT for the ribs.  I'm gonna eat's going to happen.  The rest of the day and the rest of that meal will all be in accordance to the A+ diet. 

I'm interested to see how things turn out this week as I navigate my first big diet obstacle.  I don't want to I have to commit to plowing through.  Here we go! 

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