Monday, April 1, 2013

The Day After

Yesterday was Easter.  It was a lovely sky, warm breeze, great family, and NO diet!  It felt great to brainlessly consume whatever I wanted.  I was able to enjoy food purely for its flavor without thought to how it was fueling my body.  I enjoyed my family and didn't worry about my mental health or my weight.  That is kind of freeing. On this cheat day, however, I did learn a few things.

I learned that sugar just doesn't have the same hold on me that it once did.  I ate sugar to be sure...but it wasn't as awesome as I remember it.  The coconut cheesecake that I made was truly delightful, but that was not the case for the rest of the random candy and sugary snacks I ate..they were just so-so.  I'll need to remember that as I am faced with the mountains of Easter candy that have infiltrated my home! 

I learned that my body does not respond well to eating dairy and processed wheat.  My tummy felt more puffy than it has in weeks.  Lethargy hit me like a ton of bricks.  I just felt heavy and puffy.  That doesn't make a girl feel pretty.

In the end I think I like the concept of a cheat day.  The psychology of feasting on holidays helps me to get through the everyday without cheating on my diet.  The reality of a cheat day reminds me why I am on a restrictive diet in the first place.  Today I got back on track without hesitation.  I cheerfully await the next holiday! 

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