Sunday, April 7, 2013

Moderation and Consequence

My husband and I had a weekend without children!  The first night we went to a local bed and breakfast, then we came home and hung out in our big, quiet house.  It has been lovely.  I am so relaxed and refreshed.  Even my shoulders, which usually feel like steel rods, are feeling more supple.

Since it was a little vacation, I wasn't terribly concerned about sticking to the diet.  Friday I ate on plan until we had dinner.  I was full about 3/4th of the way through the meal and I stopped eating.  Saturday morning we were treated to the breakfast portion of our bed and breakfast experience.  It was wonderful.  It was a fairly balanced breakfast and well portioned (and delicious...bacon artichoke mini-quiches?...yes please!). I felt satiated but not uncomfortably full.  The rest of the day we ate out.  Instead of "feasting" on the non-plan foods, I shared them with my husband.  We split and burger and fries and a rib dinner from the 2nd best local BBQ restaurant. 

This morning I'm just not that hungry.  Instead of going out for breakfast, like we planned, I just made us some green smoothies.  My hands are swollen today as I haven't kept up on my water intake.  My weight is up slightly (but that might just be the water issue again). 

Anxiety has popped up this weekend.  I left my kids for longer than I've left them in a LONG, LONG time.  They are in capable hands but some irrational fears have manifested themselves.  I have also had anxiety about our new puppy.  He's SUCH a great puppy and I keep having the irrational fear that something bad is going to happen to him.  So, there's that. 

No depression must have tapped out and let anxiety take over for the weekend!  I've felt really happy this weekend.  My husband is fun and funny and I got to rediscover that this weekend.  I love that.  I got to be a person and not just a mommy or home manager.  Much needed!

I don't regret my choice to have a little cheat time.  Yes, I saw some negative repercussions
in the form of worry and obsession (and water weight).  It was manageable though.  And really, that little bit of crazy helped to reign me in a get me back on track today.  I do feel better when I am submitting to my restrictive diet.  Life happens though and I can live with occasional moderation and it's consequences.

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