Monday, April 22, 2013

Weighty Issues

I'm annoyed.  And, frankly, concerned.  I haven't lost any weight on my diet.  There was an initial 3lb weight loss...but that was short lived.  I carefully watched calories, cut out dairy, grains, sugar, and caffeine and have not lost any weight.  Though I haven't been perfect, I've generally been following my diet tenets.  There should be SOME sort of change, even if it's small.  There isn't.  The last few days, I've just been eating whatever I want.  No weight change.

This happened to me last year.  I swallowed my pride and returned to Weight Watchers after 10 years.  In, 2002-2003, I lost 100lbs with WW.  Beginning in 2004, my weight slowly crept up...then it SHOT up after I began hormonal birth control the year I was married.  My first pregnancy kept me at the same weight for a while, then a few months after birth I gained 20 lbs.  I miscarried in 2009 and gained 12 lbs. in 6 months.  I maintained a 10 lb. weight loss with my last pregnancy only to gain 20 lbs. in the months following his birth.  I just kept gaining a few pounds every month until I found myself heavier than the very first moment I first stepped into Weight Watchers. 

In 2012 I went to my annual check up and my doctor was very concerned about my weight.  She suggested am insanely low calorie diet or bariatric surgery.  I didn't know what to think.  I researched several options.  Bariatric surgery is NOT for me (for many reasons) and I have the added issue of mental health with regard to the low calorie diet.  In the past low calorie diets have made me irritable and emotionally unstable.  Since I'd had success with the Weight Watchers program in the past, I decided to go at it again, hard core.

I followed the program and began exercising 3 times a week.  I did this for 4 months...and GAINED 3 lbs.  My doctor, my WW coach, everyone was just SURE that I was not really following the plan.  I knew that I WAS.  I asked my doctor to run some tests on my blood to check for something that might be causing this. They found nothing.  I got discouraged and gave up.  I was wasting my time and my money.

So, here I am in the Spring of 2013 at my VERY heaviest.  I don't feel well and I am uncomfortable.  Here's the thing though.  I'm following my diet.  Again, not perfectly, but I have CERTAINLY modified my eating habits in such a way as to promote weight loss.  Yet, nothing.  I think there is something wrong.  I am going to see my doctor again on Thursday.  If she doesn't think we need to investigate this further, I have decided to go see a naturopathic doctor at KU Med. 

I don't mind being a curvy woman.  I have a heavy German frame and I will never be within the American BMI guidelines.  I want to feel better.  Being uncomfortable, tired, depressed, and cranky is not a fun way to live. Clearly, I am willing to do hard work.  It's just frustrating to be punished for my efforts.  

1 comment:

  1. I know *EXACTLY* how you feel! I have been counting calories, cutting sugar & grains, following the doctor's prescribed plan for my PCOS and NOTHING. I fluctuate between the same 4-6 pounds constantly and it is absolutely maddening. I've been through countless thyroid tests, I'm on glumetza for the PCOS and still nothing. :P SO sorry you're dealing with it!!
