Thursday, March 28, 2013

My One Week Chip

It's been 8 days since I got serious about my diet.  I've been (nearly) grain free, dairy free, sugar free and caffeine free. I am proud of that.  The first few days were TORTURE!  Then, it began to get easier. 

I can attribute much of my success to accountability.  My friend has been tough on me.  I need that.  She's not berating me or being unkind, she's just making sure I am staying on track.  There have been a few hiccups in following the plan and she has helped me navigate them in a way that honors both my desire follow my diet and allows for imperfection.  (My 5 year old son has also been good about keeping me honest.)

Depression-wise there is some difference.  I was triggered by an event last week.  Usually, I would be obsessing and berating myself endlessly for days.  This time that aspect of my depression only lasted a few hours at a time (it still went on for a few days, but wasn't constant and pervasive).  That's progress.

I am still frequently struggling with irritability and anger.  More than anything I can assume that has to do with the snowstorm last weekend trapping us in the house.  I've also not worked for two weeks because of Spring Break.  Sometimes circumstances just stack against us, despite our best efforts.  The little slips of irritability and anger aren't lasting as long as they have in the past either.  That's progress.

Weight loss-wise I have lost 1 pound.  I was pretty disappointed by that number.  But, 1 is better than none.  I haven't been limiting my calories.  Knowing myself, I thought it best to get used to not eating grains/dairy/sugar before getting really restrictive with a calorie count.  On April 1st I will begin to count calories.  I've joined a DietBet.  We've challenged ourselves to lose 4% of our body weight by the end of April.  The pot is over $100!  Hopefully that will be the push I need to not only follow my diet, but reign it in with a specific calorie amount.

So, that's where I am...slowly making progress. 

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