Monday, April 8, 2013


Most people know about mantras in the context of yoga or Buddhism.  Even if you aren't into meditation, you probably have some sort of mantra too, you just don't call it that.  We all "meditate".  It's just mulling over an idea again and again.  All of us have a constant internal dialogue.  Often, the voice of my own mind is the most damaging to my mental well being.

I've shared that I am currently seeing a therapist.  We've tried all kinds of things to help with my depression and anxiety.  By far, the most successful tool I have taken from our sessions together is when she told me to "Stuart Smalley" myself.  For those of you who are too young or who weren't plugged into the awesomeness that was SNL in the 90s, here's a video clip.

If you are laughing now...good!  When my therapist first suggested it I couldn't stop laughing long enough to try it.  Then I got over myself and tried it.  It's a silly example, but the principal really impacted my way of thinking.  She called it "changing the tape" that was playing in my head.  When I began down the spiraling path of self hatred, I could pull up a mantra and "reprogram" my thought processes. 

Some of my mantras include:

INSTEAD OF: "I am SUCH a weak, failure.  I embarrassed myself and my team.  Everything I touch turns to crap."  I say: "I did what I could.  I can try to do better next time."

INSTEAD OF: "I am a horrible mother and I do not deserve the blessing of these children."  I say: "I am a good mom who had a bad moment"

INSTEAD OF: "Nothing is going right. " I say: "It is what it is."

Of course these are not foolproof ways to avoid negative thinking.  They do help though.  If you find yourself the victim of your own mean thoughts, I would try a mantra.  You can use scripture if you want. (I haven't had the presence of mind to study through scriptures to find corresponding verses for my mantras...though I am sure there are some good truths that would be fitting. )  If scripture is not your gig, just find an easy to remember phrase that counteracts those unhealthy thoughts running though your mind. 

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