Friday, April 5, 2013

Knowing Thyself

It has been a CRAY-ZEE week.  The first part of the week I was busy with book fair at my son's school.  Wednesday through today have been filled with all of the excitement and appointments and errands that come with getting a new puppy.  It's been stressful and I've had to manage my time more closely than usual and by the end of the day, I have been EXHAUSTED!

I feel awesome!  My mental health has been much improved this week.  Yes, the sun has been out and it's warm again.  Yes, I am taking my medication and following my diet. AND I've had my extrovert/achiever needs met all week and it's made a big difference.

This makes me feel more confident about adding more work days to my schedule next year.  Whenever I make a choice, I always waffle a little.  It's really refreshing to have my intuition validated.   For example, my littlest child has been away from me more than ever this week.  Rather than the time of separation making our relationship suffer, it's made our time together sweeter and more intentional.  Having my extrovert and achiever needs met makes me a happier mommy which then causes me to be more available to serve and enrich my family. 

I think it's really important that I am beginning to accept myself and trust my own judgment.  There are a lot of other influences out there.  I just feel better in my own skin when I am living in the way I was created instead of trying to fit into some kind of imaginary mold.   
13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...
Psalm 139:13-14
(a psalm of David, who also suffered from depression) 

1 comment:

  1. So true! Taking care of ourselves frees us to take care of others well. I have a hard time with this sometimes too. Thanks for sharing! And THANKS for the Scripture! ;) Glad you mentioned David also suffered depression - good reminder that we're all broken and in need of God!!
