Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oh, Honey Honey

My poor little body has been sick for the last 24 hours.  Yesterday, I woke up at 5:30AM with symptoms of both a stomach virus AND a head cold.  Needless to say, I spent most of yesterday trying to lay very still as not to disturb my sick tummy or start a coughing fit.  I barely ate or drank anything all day.

One thing I did consume from my "no-no" list was honey.  Honey is an ancient remedy for many illnesses, including both stomach maladies and the common cold.  To maximize the benefit of my honey, I am taking it mixed into Lemon Ginger tea...lemon and ginger are also common folk remedies.  I feel dreadful and will continue taking honey until I feel better.  At this time, I am confident that I am not abusing sugar.  I am USING honey for it's healing power and will stop using it when I am healthy again. 

Here is a link to Whole Foods page on honey

Full disclosure, the mainstream medical community insists that there is not enough research to support all of the claims of honey's healing properties. (Though,  I have had my children "prescribed" honey as a cough suppressant by a young doctor.)  Natural healers swear by it.  Personally, I have experienced relief from hay fever and acute seasonal allergies by using honey.  When I start getting all sniffly, I buy a small jar of local honey and eat it by the spoonful for a few days until it's gone. It works, though by the end I am sick of the taste of honey.  I only have to do it two or three times a year, but it is more effective than taking OTC allergy meds for months on end. 

As far as mental health is concerned, I have never experienced adverse effects of medicinally consuming honey.  Likely, my body knows that I need the remedy and doesn't get freaked out by the extra sugar.  Who knows? 

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