Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Have Met My Enemy...Naptime

I continue to have an intense sugar craving right after lunch.  It's lasting until I take one of my supplements at 3:00.  The time between lunch and 3:00 also happens to be nap time for my two year old.  Whether this craving is biological or habitual remains to be seen.  What is clearly evident is that it is one of the biggest obstacles for me to climb over each week day I am at home (I work 2 days a week).  My willpower lasted 2 hours yesterday. didn't. 

A few things will come into play in the next week. 

1. Nap time projects will resume.  I have a list longer than my arm of rooms that need to be painted and curtains that need to be sewn.  Right after the toddler goes down for a nap...I start my project.  I work until about 20 minutes before the kiddo wakes up.  Then I clean up and move on with the day.  It's hard to binge eat sugar when you are busy and your hands are covered in paint.

2. On days when I am not doing projects I plan to exercise for at least 30 minutes.  I did a Jillian Micheals Wii training today.  It was good.  It kept me busy and I got some good brain chemistry mojo from working out.

All that to the day to day...Nap time is my nemesis.  I have to be strategic and smart about how I approach this time of day.

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