Friday, January 4, 2013

Sweet and Sour

Through my Google research I discovered why I NEED sugar...particularly in the afternoon. 

It is commonly known that our body takes a dip in many hormones and in blood sugar in late afternoon.  For me the time when I most CRAVE sugar is between lunch and dinner...the AFTERNOON. 

Eating sweets gives me a short spike in blood sugar (and serotonin according to Mood Cure). It soothes me and bumps me up to where I feel comfortable again. The thing with simple sugar is that though I get that rush, it falls FAST. This fall releases my stress hormones and makes my body alert and ready to handle the stressor. While a lot of people eat sugar to cope with stress, their stressors are not something that can be handled by a quick fight or flight type response.  Because there is no bear to fight or no battle to flee, I just end up irritable, angry, sensitive and very tired. I had become so accustomed to feeling that I never tied it to eating sugar or simple carbs.

Well, I am trying to wean off of sugar now.  So to help me over my little afternoon slump, I have put the following things into place...

1. I eat a snack that has a mix of protein, fat, and complex I will have an apple with little slices of cheddar on it.

2. I take my amino acid.

3. I brew a cup of chamomile tea...which has been used medicinally for centuries...but might raise feel-good chemicals in the brain called dopamine...worth a shot right?

Some afternoons I am still irritable and easily's still a process.  I am, however, happy that I at least have a game plan. 

NOTE: I am giving anecdotal information...I am not a doctor...this is NOT medical advice.

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