Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Coulda Had A V8

These last few days have been less than stellar in fighting the good fight against sugar.  I've indulged more times than are prudent.  But, in this slip up, I have good news and bad news and mixed news.

Good News: I went TWO and a HALF entire days without any sugar!  Then..I didn't. But, it seems that since trying to give up sugar I have developed less of a taste for it.  Things that were normally DELICIOUS are now ultra sweet and not enjoyable.  In addition, if something is loaded with preservatives or low quality ingredients, it just tastes putrid on my palate.  Of the times I gave into sugar, only two items were worth it.

Bad News: TWO items were worth it.  First, I ate a high quality designer cupcake and it was delightful.  I only had 1/2 of one (and thank God that's all I could handle).  Secondly, I drank a Coke.  It made me happy.  I expected it to be too sweet or the caffeine to get me all hopped up.  Neither thing was true.

Mixed News:  I don't feel great today.  I've been a little agitated...not quite anxious...but certainly on edge.  I also keep asking my husband if he's mad at me.  He continues to say no (and get kind of irritated that I keep asking.)  With my special cocktail of depression and anxiety, feeling like I am unworthy and unlovable are common filters through which I interpret relationships.

The reason this is "mixed" news and not "bad" news may not seem clear.  However, for me, feeling markedly worse when eating sugar is a powerful deterrent.  Yes, I overindulged...but it wasn't really worth the price I had to pay.  In the wisdom that comes with experience, I am FAR less likely to bear the cost in the future.

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