Friday, January 4, 2013

Tear In My Beer?

In the plan I am following (as well as LOTS of other sources) it is recommended to skip alcoholic beverages.  Alcohol is a depressant.  So, there's that.  But it also blocks serotonin function, has lots of sugar, and can cause dehydration...a perfect storm for anxiety and depression to come rushing in.

Those who know me personally know that I do not have a "problem" with alcohol.  When I drink I have one maybe two drinks.  I believe in moderation when it come to alcohol and I practice it.  The problem I have is that I am a social drinker.  I drink a margarita with my neighborhood mommies.  I order wine at dinner.  I have a beer at my parents house.  I partake of the porch party cocktail.

This time of year I find myself in lots of social situations where there is alcohol.  I haven't been able to decline yet.  It's not that I NEED alcohol to have fun...I most assuredly do not.  But, for me it's just a fun little treat to be able to have a beverage and I feel less like an outlier.

Generally, I don't see a marked difference in my depression or anxiety when I've had a drink.  I see the biggest impact when I have too many days in a week where I have been drinking.  Let's say I have a mommies night out, a BBQ, and hang out at my parents all in the same week.  For a few days afterward, I see a HUGE difference in my mental health.  I am more sensitive, more paranoid, lonelier, and sadder for a little while (even though NOTHING has changed about my life).

Additionally, I have noticed that the type of alcohol I drink matters.  Beer has almost no effect on me.  I never feel tipsy and I don't get as much kickback mentally as I do with wine or cocktails.  (I like to think of it as the drink of my people...I have a big German and Irish heritage.)

I guess I am still figuring out how alcohol will function in my life...when, where, what kind, etc.  If I am being honest, I am surprised that this is so tricky for me.   

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