Sunday, January 27, 2013

State of the Struggle Address

It's been almost a month since I began my endeavor to cut out sugar and simple carbs.  I've won some battles and lost some battles with sugar, caffeine, simple carbs, and alcohol.  But, I'm engaged in the war...and that matters!

Some positive new developments:

1. I am not CRAVING sugar nearly as badly as I have in the past.

2. I do not have the same capacity for portions as I have in the past.  I am getting fuller sooner and feeling like I don't have to keep eating. 

3. With the help of diet, vitamins, and medication, I am feeling much better emotionally.  I've leveled off and haven't struggled with rage or obsession for the last few weeks.

4. I am enjoying the fresh and wholesome food I am preparing and so is my family! 

Some things that need work:

1. After work, especially, I still DESIRE and often consume sugar.  I am not CRAVING it, but it's evident that eating (and drinking) sugar has become a habit.

2. Social situations are still a struggle.  I don't want to be the "I'm not eating sugar" girl.  It's off putting to me when people kill my socializing buzz with their diet hangups...I don't want to come across in that light. 

3. I am still in the same spot with my alcohol consumption.  I've stopped drinking at home, but there are a lot of outside opportunities to imbibe.  NOTE: There are no longer margaritas in my life (a sad farewell), so on the sugar front, I feel like that's a win.
4. I haven't starting exercising regularly yet.  I need to discipline myself to do it...but without caffeine I've been SO tired, it's been a challenge to get motivated.


  1. i love that you're doing this! it's an inspiration for me to do the same. can't wait to hear more about this journey!

  2. For social situations I think it's more how you go about it than what you say. Like if you look appalled at someone and say "I am NOT eating sugar!" that's very off-putting. But if you just say "No thanks, I'm trying to cut sugar out of my diet" and then change the subject to something else (like this is just a choice you're making and you're not judging anyone for making a different choice) then no one should mind. If they do, it's their problem, not yours.

    As for exercise, I've never had a problem with caffeine so I don't know what it's like to come down off that (if you normally consume lots of it) but I have had times where I have no energy or motivation to exercise. But when I exercise regularly, I tend to have more energy. So you could just make a decision that you are going to find 30 minutes to exercise every day for a week. That may get you going and then you'll find it easier to keep it up. Just a suggestion, of course! ;)

    I'm impressed. I have no idea what I would eat if I cut out sugar and carbs.
