Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Slacking on a diet is an easy thing to do.  (Especially if it's not New Year anymore!)

It would be delightful if I could eat whatever I wanted...but my biology won't have it.  I am also fairly sure that my antidepressant is either causing me to gain weight or making it harder to lose weight.  At this time, I am not willing to go off of my medicine again.  Therefore, I just have to be very careful about what I eat...and once again I have to stare into the face of a very restrictive diet. 

The Mood Cure Diet (and really MOST whole food diets) recommends a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and water.  During the beginning, they advise you to restrict dairy and grains to test for food intolerance.  You can add them back in slowly and watch for adverse reactions.   Caffeine, sugar/sugar substitutes, and alcohol are prohibited; high carb vegetables, fruit, and grains are limited.  It's kind of Paleo/South Beach/Candida diet-y.

In the three months that I have been attempting to follow this diet, I've discovered that it's hard!  Cheats start small and then suddenly, there I am eating and drinking whatever I want and feeling fatigued and heavier than ever.  To combat my backsliding ways, I have enlisted the help of a friend to keep me accountable.  I've asked her to be strict about checking in with me.  I truly hope she will help keep me in line. 

Again, I want to reiterate that following this diet is PRIMARILY geared toward improving my mental health. The weight is a symptom of my body chemistry being unbalanced. I want to FEEL better.   If it takes a "village" to help me, so be it!

NOTE: I stayed sugar free yesterday.  Today I not only stayed sugar free, but I followed the guidelines for protein, carb, and water intake.  That felt great!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! :). I know ho hard .. I am living it with you... you are not alone!
