Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh, Snow!

I am on day 5 of no sugar-no grain-no dairy.  Yesterday I felt great! Today I woke up with a gnawing hunger and sadly, protein just sounded DREADFUL.  I didn't want eggs or a smoothie...I wanted pancakes or French Toast or some other carb-tastic delight.  In the spirit of staying on track, I dutifully made myself some eggs.   

To add to the challenge, there is 6-8 inches of new snow on the ground this morning.  This means my family and I will be home all day with nothing to do but watch movies and eat.  I want hot cocoa and cookies.   I want to make (and eat) snow ice cream with my boys.  Instead I will be comforted by a protein smoothie...mmmmm protein.  As for a warm, comforting dinner, after I finish this post, I am going to search the interwebs for Thai coconut curry soup recipes.  Curry is like a hug for my soul.

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