Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Feaster

Contrary to recent weather, Spring is upon us!  With Spring comes Easter.  For our family it is a spiritually meaningful holiday.  The church we attend is very intentional about creating an attitude of mourning and weightiness on Good Friday.  Remembering Jesus's sacrifice makes us remember why He had to die.  He died because I can't be perfect, even if I try, and that offends the heart of God.  He put Himself in my place, as a substitute for God's wrath.  Reflecting on that can be kind of intense.

On Easter, however, we stop mourning and start rejoicing!  God has created a sacrifice so perfect that it has defeated sin and death.  Because of it we can know God and we can be adopted as His sons and daughters. 

In the spirit of rejoicing, I want to talk about my diet.  On Easter, I do not intend to follow the guidelines of my restrictive diet.  I truly believe there are times when feasting is appropriate and necessary.  Easter is one of those times for me. 

My family is a little non-traditional with regard to menu.  In the past I have, in jest, called Easter "Carb Fest".  We don't have the American standard ham and scalloped potatoes.  Instead we celebrate Easter with the food of our ancestors.  Yes, we eat SCHNITZEL!

At the Easter table there will be jagerschnitzel, spaetzle (a tiny dumpling, kind of gnocchi-ish), German potato salad, and brochen (a hard roll).  Additionally, I will be making a dark chocolate, coconut cheesecake.  See...Carb Fest!  It will be delicious and I will enjoy it without guilt because, sometimes, we need to feast.

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