Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time to Tighten the Belt

Friends, in the month of February, unless I have been ill and NOT eating anything, I haven't been careful at ALL about what I am eating.  Oh, except I am still mostly off of caffeine...WIN!  I think what I am going to need to do is go cold turkey for awhile. 

Depression-wise I am doing fine.  Really though, pumping my body full of non-nutritious food is counterproductive.  I am fine NOW...but, what happens when there is a bigger stressor in my life?  I'm not trying to be negative, I've just been down this road before.  I've felt a TON better when Isaac was about a year old and decided I could handle more stress.  The intensity and duration of the situation I took on went above and beyond the scope of my medication...I found myself depressed and anxious and miserable.

Through the trial and error of life experience I have learned that I do not have as much physically or emotional energy as I WISH I did.  In order to protect my mental health, I have to make decisions in the context of "will this make me crazy?"   If I am not doing everything that I know to do for my depression, I am more likely to be teetering on the thin line between "capable" and "crushed".

So in order to extend my margin of sanity, I need to watch my diet more carefully.  I'm committing to an amount of time I be really strict about my sugar intake.  NOTE:  I'm not sharing my specific goal, because I just read some research that says that you slack more when you share your specific goals.  So, you don't get to know. ;0)

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