Thursday, February 7, 2013

Days Like This

Today is day FOUR  of being at home with my sick son.  Four days of being IN the house...four days of meeting needs and problem solving outside the normal realms of the every day...four days of managing body fluids...four days of sleepless nights.  I am tired and bored and restless.

The weather reflects my mood.  It's gray and rainy outside.  There is instability in the air and it is a cold-ish/warm-ish day. 

I want to eat some warm, freshly baked, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  I want to sip a sweet French Vanilla coffee instead of my decaf cut with whole milk.  I want to march upstairs and go back to bed. 

But in the words of my two year old..."I cain't."  I don't have the ingredients to make cookies.  There is no flavored creamer in my house. And, I have two little kids who need me awake until nap time at least.

It's days like this that I am grateful that there isn't any extra sugar in the house and that I can't leave to get any. It's days like this where I really do just have to keep on truckin'...whether I feel like it or not. 

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