Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Days = All Bets Off

Confession:  I just FLAT OUT do not have the self control to be stuck in a house for days and days with any sort of sugar without ingesting it.  I've tried to keep it moderate and, for the most part, I have.  But, there has been sugar.  It happened.  There have been pancakes, snowcream, and a cocktail or two. 

Meals have been fine.  I continue to try to eat high protein, low simple carb, good fat meals (except the pancakes).  I've even been able to snack on fresh veggies or boiled eggs.  So it's not like I am just sitting here shoveling heaping spoonfuls of sugar into my mouth.  So, I guess it's another case of progress, not perfection. 

I am SUCH a perfectionist that it just FEELS like I am totally failing. My I would venture to say that my sugar intake is at least half of what it used to be.  That's something.  To my perfection warped mind it isn't 0% and that's a FAIL.  Blech.

On the mental health front, I AM more irritable than normal...whether it's the sugar or BEING COOPED UP FOR MOST OF THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY WITH RAMBUNCTIOUS YOUNG SONS!!!!!!! is anybody's guess.   

1 comment:

  1. We didn't have power all day yesterday and had to stay at the in-laws house. Even though they are great, it made the kids even more nutty than they already were being cooped up inside. By last night I needed a drink, but I'm still nursing so instead I had ice cream, despite the fact that I've been forcing myself not to eat dessert so that I can get rid of this baby weight that's still hanging around. The point is, it makes anyone nuts and lose willpower. Don't beat yourself up.
