Friday, February 15, 2013

Devil Eggs

As I walked into the store today, I was met with cart after cart burgeoning with Valentine's Day leftovers...50% off!!!  I made it past the Whitman's Sampler hearts and pink frosted cookies.  I made it past the cute little bags of caramel turtles and boxes of conversation hearts.  I made it through 65% of my shopping list when I was met with a sugar AMBUSH!

In the aisle reserved for seasonal items, the soft velvety boxes of mixed chocolates had already been replaced with...EASTER CANDY.  Not just Easter candy, but a giant, massive wall of Cadbury Creme Eggs. For me, Cadbury eggs signify the coming of Spring like Pumpkin Spice Lattes usher in the crisp air of autumn. 

The display was probably 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall (I wish I was exaggerating).   Row upon shiny row of magical, creme filled eggs. Each imported tasting chocolate delight was lovingly covered in primary colored foil and carefully protected by valiant purple walls of cardboard to create...the 3 pack.  Oh, they sell them as singles, but it is FAR more economical to buy the 3 pack.  Think of the SAVINGS!

The problem with the 3 pack can best be expressed with the words of the great Paula Poundstone (who was speaking of the POP TART conundrum, by the way).

"Inside there are three pouches of two. This is what happens to me: I open the first pouch, and I eat one tart, and I enjoy it very much, as naturally I would. And then I feel, Well, I have to eat the second one or it will go stale. Well, now I’ve eaten two, and it’s no longer just a snack, it’s a meal. I figure I may as well eat two more. And then finally I’m just like, Well hell, I don’t just want two pop tarts hangin’ out in a box. I eat the last two just to tidy up, really."

Change all the references from "tarts" to "Creme Eggs" and that's is the problem I have with the 3 pack. 

Did I buy it?  Yes I did.  Did I really eat all three?  Affirmative.  Am I giving up my quest for less sugar?  Nope, God help me, I'm still in. 

I have to make it 39 more days without falling into the 3 pack trap again.  Can I do it?  Challenge ACCEPTED!

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