Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Quick Gripe

I've lost some weight in the effort to cut back on simple carbs, sugar, and caffeine.  Yay!  It's not my goal, but I'll take it! 

This is my complaint:  I am only losing weight in my STUPID THIGHS!  I know this is a shallow and ungrateful rant, but come on!  Proportionally, I don't have big thighs or hips.   It's my belly that's gots ta go. 

Some of you know, in 2002, I lost a large amount of weight on Weight Watchers.  I have, of course, gained it all back.  My first 10 pounds lost came almost entirely from my thighs!  I dont feel comfortable being a large chested, heavy bellied woman with (proportionally) narrow hips and thighs.  Besides just being visually disproportionate, it also creates a problem with jeans that fall down.  Not cute!

I wish there was some sort of corporate meeting you could have with your body about the percentage of weight loss that needs to occur in each problem area.  Alas, there is not. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya sister! But am super proud of your 10 lbs no matter WHERE it left from!! Way to go!!" :)
