Monday, March 28, 2011

Gratuitous Lesson

In participating in this sugar fast, I am learning things which are more broadly related to my use of food...not just sugar.

Lesson: God is not obliged to pay for my overindulgences.

Recently at Redeemer, we had a sermon series on stewardship. The overarching lesson was that ALL things belong to God. We only have what we are given. God promises to supply our needs and expects us to trust Him in that. That being said, Mark and I have had to take a serious look at our budget recently. Even though we would consider ourselves frugal and generally good stewards, our bank account continues to be insufficient. Looking through our expenses I saw a lot of things we have no control over. I also noticed that the food budget was WAY over.

How does this happen? I am a very careful meal planner. The meals I make are healthy and inexpensive. We buy store brands and sale items. We eat proper portions. Then my mind goes to the top shelf of the pantry. This is the snack shelf. I keep it well stocked. WELL stocked.

Is snacking wrong? Maybe. Please don't think I am a weird religous crazy lady. I am just trying to take an honest look here.

This is my reasoning: The life that I lead is not one that should necessitate snacks. I don't exercise on a daily basis. I for sure don't do manual labor (besides picking up my hefty children). I eat enough food at meal times to keep my body running until the next meal.

Snacking is a frivolous waste of money and calories. Who am I to waste the resources God has given us to thicken my already ample waistline? I am eating money that could be used in much more valuable ways.

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