Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week One Report

This was not nearly as hard as I expected. I didn't find myself writhing from the agony of not eating excess sugar. Though I do have to confess, I accidentally ate a bite of fortune cookie.

Seriously, I just thoughtlessly popped it in my mouth as I was talking to my sister! I realized my error when I mentioned that the fortune cookies tasted better than normal. So, I can only surmise that being sugar free for a week can even make the sweetened cardboard that comes at the end of a Chinese meal taste delightful!

I do find myself craving soda though. Oddly enough, I don't really drink soda on a regular basis, so I don't know what that's about. I also miss baking. I found a sugarless (not even fake sugar) banana bread recipe that I am going to try for Saturday's breakfast. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Even though I still have snacks, they don't have the same emotional feel to them as when I eat sugary snacks. It honestly does feel more like fueling my body and not like assuaging my soul. I would like to point out that everything is running fairly smoothly in my life though. I can't help but wonder if the next bump in the road will come with a sweet temptation.

Lots of people told me that this first week would be hard. Really, I have a feeling that every week until Easter is going to get increasingly more difficult.

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