Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It Is What It Is

Since deciding to fast from sugar for the Lenten season, I have tried to reverently and prayerfully decide what this is going to look like. So far, this is my plan:

  • Refrain from ingesting foods or drinks that would be considered "sweet". If a food contains sugar as part of it's essential make-up but would not be considered sweet...I'll eat/drink it. The strongest example that comes to mind is bread.
  • I decided that I will not obsessively read labels to search for sugar/sugar substitute/sugar like compounds/etc. It is my fear that doing this will lead to a weird sort of legalism that will inhibit me from learning about my sugar addiction.
  • God-made sugars will be acceptable in the form of fruit and fresh fruit juice. At this time I am not going to allow myself to eat honey or even natural "sugars". I feel like I would just make a substitution instead of eliminating the CRAVING for sweetness.
  • In refraining from sweetness I hope to be made aware of my heart motivations in regard to sugar consumption. From this awareness I wish to be brought to repentance and to replace the desire to put sugar in my body with a desire to trust and love God.

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