Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It Ain't What It Ain't

Here are some further explanations of what this fast is for/what it will look like.

  • This is not a fast for weight loss. Do I expect that it will be a side benefit of abstaining from sugar? Yes. I wear my sin on my waistline. Learning to obey God instead of abusing sugar will likely have consequences in the weight arena.
  • This is not a fast for health. Yup, too much sugar is bad for you. I get that. But going 40 days without sweetness is for my figurative heart and not for my physical one. Do I expect to feel better? Yes. Learning to obey God instead of abusing sugar will likely have consequences in the health arena.
  • This is not a ploy for attention. I am publicly sharing my fast. I am so convinced that God would like me to share it publicly that I am not, at this time, concerned with mixing my intentions.
  • This is not a quest for holiness. As in my previous post, I fully concede that I cannot earn more of God's love or grace or forgiveness by fasting at Lent. In the finished work of Christ is the only place I can find holiness before God.
  • This is not a "churchy" status move. What you think of me has no bearing on this undertaking. If I am going to be honest, I feel a little foolish doing this and writing about it. Do I care what you think of me? Indeed I do. Do I think that plugging through the mess of that truth will bring me to a more clear understanding of God's holiness and my sinfulness. Yeah. Has God prompted me to share this that you might be strengthened. I feel that He has.

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