Monday, March 28, 2011

Pancake Problems

My neighbor called yesterday and asked me to help her paint a room Saturday morning. I agreed to help. She then said that her partner was making pancakes for those of us helping. I agreed and the conversation was over. I was telling Mark about the phone call when I remembered that I can't have pancakes!!! It honestly just slipped my mind in the moment...and came rushing at me post-phone call.

Several options popped into my head.

#1. Just eat the pancakes! I must admit that this would be the (outwardly) easiest choice. Plus, this woman probably makes AMAZING pancakes. But, upon reflection I decided that I would face conviction by the Holy Spirit and it would flavor the whole rest of the experience.

#2. I could just go over and then politely refuse the pancakes. But, these neighbors are becoming dear to us and they would probably rather I was honest with them beforehand than all weird and secretive about it.

#3. I could trust them with the situation. I decided to call and let them know about the pancake quandary. It was an awkward phone call and I was probably overly apologetic. The neighbor sounded disappointed that she couldn't appreciate my help with breakfast but was happy that I could still help paint.

I have to admit that I am a little nervous about having to explain all of this to them (assuming they'll bring it up). In the end it was more honoring to God and to my neighbors to be faithful to my commitment and to be honest with them about it.

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