Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oopsie Days

Friends, I have had sugar twice in the last two days. Neither occasion was planned or enjoyed, if that makes a difference.

Instance One: I made snacks for small group. I should have gone to the store and bought the sweet snack (we do a sweet and a savory as sort of an unspoken pact)but I was being cheap and just trying to use what I had on hand. The first thing I made, I thought was going to be great. I feel very confident in my cooking when I know that the ingredients should go well together. I only had a small box of brownies, which is not NEARLY enough for small group, so I decided to make my semi-famous peanut butter cookies and put that on the bottom and pour the brownie batter on top and make a little peanut butter brownie hybrid. Sounds delightful, no?

Yeah, they baked a different rates, resulting in a big gloppy mess. Anywho, long story somewhat shortened, I tried to salvage them and ended up having to taste them to see if they were acceptable. Turns out they weren't so I am not sad that happened.

Then, in an attempt to STILL not go to the store, I made caramel popcorn....which I KNOW is good and shouldn't have to taste. However, I have not made it since I got my new stove and the caramel cooked kind of fast and started to go into toffee mode, so I tasted a kernel to make sure it wasn't scorched.

Instance Two: Today I went out for coffee with my friend. I ordered a peppermint latte...which has never been sweet to me...just minty. I honestly thought it was a safe choice. BUT after nearly two weeks of avoiding excess sugar, it tasted SOOO sweet. I thought for sure the barista had accidentally made it a peppermint mocha. Not so much. I went ahead and drank it because I DID order it and they DID make it the way I asked. It would be a bratty waste to ask them to throw it away and make me a new one...not how I roll.

So, in trying to see whether or not I fed my heart idols, at first blush I thought I was innocent. Looking at it later, I can see that my first slip up was tied to my pride. I did not want to give my group food that would make me look bad. Were the PB Brownies edible? Yes. Was it the BEST I could do? No. Should I care? Kind of. I want to give people the best I have to offer. But I should do it because I love them and not because I want them to laud my culinary skills.

My second slip up was tied to approval. I knew my barista from church. I didn't want to be a pain to him or have to explain the whole "giving up sugar" thing. It's awkward to explain and it would have been embarassing. It may not have been a big deal, but the fear of looking foolish flavored my choice not to trade the sweet latte in for a plain one.

In closing, will I make different choices next time I am in similar situations? In the light of God's strength and HIS approval, I certain hope so.

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