Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Results Are In And The Winner Is...

Adrenal Fatigue! click here for an informational article

Before I unpack this diagnosis, I want to chat about the rest of my tests.  First and foremost, my thyroid is fine on all levels!  Hooray!  Most of my other levels were also within a healthy range.  That was a relief for me.

A few things were off for me though.  My vitamin D is still low.  I am currently taking a Vitamin D supplement and it's not helping enough, so I need a more potent dosage.  My Estrodal (Estrogen 2) levels were a little high and my Progesterone levels were a little low (which again, I suspected). 

The most significant information came from my Cortisol levels.  My levels were well BELOW normal range.  These levels were measured via saliva sample throughout the day (morning, noon, evening, night).  I don't even wake up with normal amounts of Cortisol and it only gets worse through the day.  Because of this, the lab put in in the Level 7 adrenal fatigue range...which is the most severe level. 

Basically adrenal fatigue happens when you are exposed to long term stress.  First your body ramps up cortisol to help you deal with the stress (which deposits a lovely layer of fat on your midsection).  Then it starts to wear down and relies on other hormones to help it out.  Finally, at stage 7, the adrenal glands are just depleted and begin to borrow too heavily from other gland systems and affect the body's ability to regulate itself...causing disease.

Adrenal Fatigue symptoms include:

  • Fatigue and weakness, especially in the morning and afternoon
  • A suppressed immune system
  • Increased allergies
  • Muscle and bone loss and muscular weakness
  • Depression
  • Cravings for foods high in salt, sugar or fat
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Skin problems
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Increased PMS or menopausal symptoms
  • Low sex drive
  • Lightheadedness when getting up from sitting or lying down
  • Decreased ability to handle stress
  • Trouble waking up in the morning, despite a full night’s sleep
  • Poor memory

  • I have 73% of those symptoms as well as increased belly fat, which is indicative of a cortisol issue.  It is also likely why I have developed insulin resistance, as once the adrenal glands can no longer produce enough cortisol, it starts using glucocorticoids to regulate the body functions that cortisol is supposed to take care of.  It then begins to throw off other hormonal balances (hence the Estrogen and Progesterone imbalance).  If left untreated, it will begin to go after other systems, particularly thyroid.

    In order to correct the problem, I am taking a series of natural supplements to revive my adrenal glands and clear up some of the sex hormone imbalance.  It is a 3 month treatment.  If it doesn't work the way we need it to, there is a more invasive/expensive plan of action.  Fingers crossed that I respond to the supplements!  She said I'll be able to tell if the medicine is working by my energy level.

    In addition I have been prescribed yoga and naps!!!  Yes, that's right!  My doctor said I need to add gentle exercise and I need to avoid strenuous exercise.  She also said that during these next few months it will be beneficial to take midday naps when I can.  They will help my adrenal glands heal.  That's the best prescription I've ever gotten!

    Because I know that my personality is bent toward overstress, I know that I have to protect myself mentally as well.  I need to make sure that I am conscious of my stress levels and give myself permission to protect my schedule and my work load.   Life happens and I understand stress is a reality, especially in modern America, but I don't have to heap on the challenges just to prove myself.  It's going to be a big step for me to talk down my achiever tendencies in favor of my physical and mental health, but it's vital that I do it. 

    With regard to diet, I need to continue doing what I am doing.  I plan to continue following the Type A diet as well as severely limiting caffeine and sugar (which both trigger an adrenal response)

    FULL DISCLOSURE:   This is a diagnosis that is WIDELY accepted in natural medicine circles and really explains the presence of a lot of symptoms.  However, traditional medical community does not believe that "adrenal fatigue" is an actual disease.  They think it is a fairytale diagnosis from natural doctors to explain symptoms associated with modern life.  Here's what I want to say to that...BULL-S!@#

    I consider myself and intelligent and informed woman.  I have firm grasp of biology.  This diagnosis is plausible for me.  My naturopath explained the biochemical process in detail.  It makes perfect chemical sense.  Especially since my cortisol was MARKEDLY low, it was easy for me to understand how it could be interpreted as adrenal fatigue.  I AM CLEARLY NOT MAKING ENOUGH CORTISOL!!

    Anywho, I trust my naturopath and will try this round of supplements.  I will also endeavor to manage my stress levels (to the best of my ability).  Furthermore, I will... go take a's orders!! ;0)

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