Sunday, July 14, 2013


In just a few days I go to the naturopathic doctor and receive the results of my blood/saliva tests.  Eagerness to know what she has discovered is mingled with fear about what she has found.  It could mean a whole new bevy of changes for me. 

Another possibility is that all of the tests can come back normal.  I didn't even really consider that possibility until my therapist mentioned it.  She asked, "what happens if the tests don't find anything?".  That took me aback.  It took me a few minutes to process before I could answer.  In the end I decided as long as we come up with some sort of plan to help me feel better, then I can be OK with whatever the tests say/don't say. 

On an interesting note, my youngest son just went to the doctor because he hasn't grown much since he was 18mo (he's 32 months now).  His pediatrician wants to run a lot of the same blood tests that I just had it will be really interesting to compare what's going on with him to hat might potentially be going on with me. 

Until Wednesday, I have to fight against turning anticipation/curiosity into full blown anxiety.  It's a pretty busy week, so maybe the answer is distraction.  We'll see.  I let you know what I find out!

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