Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rockin' The Pill Box Like A Septugenarian

My supplements finally came in the mail on Wednesday of last week.  Up until then, all I'd been able to do from my prescription list was nap and do a little yoga.  For the last week, I've taken my little fistful of meds each morning, made a prescription grade smoothie, and taken a shot (from a medicine cup) of my supplemental tincture. 
Admittedly, it's already helping.  From morning until nap time, I have a good amount of energy.  I still need to play with the timing of my tincture to keep my energy up so that I don't HAVE to take a nap.   It's been so long since I've had energy, I am burning it faster than I should.  For instance last Friday I decided to clean my house all by myself (we had been doing it as a family on Saturday mornings)...I was exhausted by lunch time. 
Besides energy, I am noticing a more stabilized and even mood.  My irritation level has been greatly improved (Thank God, it's the last few weeks of summer and the kids are requiring more patience).  I haven't been inside my own head obsessively either.  Both of those improvements have been refreshing.
I have not been keeping track of my weight lately.  I'm going through am ideological change with regard to weight and health.  My doctor will keep track of it and I'll weigh myself every now and then, but I'm not watching the numbers daily like I had been.  Observationally, I have noticed that my tummy is even LESS puffy than it used to be.  My body is feeling stronger and more capable and that's really what I am shooting for.  I plan to do a post about this change in weight philosophy...I'll get around to it soon. ;)
So, after a week on my new supplements, I am feeling hopeful...hopeful that I won't have to take treatment to the next level...hopeful that we've finally discovered my underlying health issues...and hopeful that I CAN feel better.  

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