Friday, June 5, 2015

10th Anniversary Countdown: Day 7

He Said:

1.  How did you meet your wife?
I met Tiffany through our church Sunday school class. She was already attending, and I switched from my parent’s church to there, where my brother was going

2.  What was your first impression of her?
My first impressions of Tiffany were that she was nice, smart, easy going, and easy to talk to.

3.  Tell about your first time saying 'I love you'?
I don’t recall the particular time. I know I wanted to be intentional about it, waiting until it was true and special. 

4.  What do you love about her?
I love her sense of humor, affection, intelligence, sense of fun and adventure, style, and beauty.

5.  Describe your wife in 5 words.
Smart, caring, fun-loving, outgoing, unpretentious.

6.  What do you remember about the day you got married? 
I remember that it rained in the morning, which is supposed to be a good sign, and then cleared off. We had pictures groomsmen and bridesmaids pictures taken in front of the church. I had lunch with my family in church kitchen. I wandered around alone for a bit in empty parts of the church contemplating the decision and commitment, being nervous and excited at the same time.

I remember waiting for her to come in to the sanctuary and being so happy to see her, then sharing some time together before we finished our pictures before the ceremony. I remember focusing on her during the ceremony and being happy to be marrying such a wonderful, beautiful friend. 

7.  What is your happiest memory with your wife?
My happiest memory is of all of the fun adventures that we go on as a family (our honeymoon in Vail, our baby-moon in Des Moines, trips to Deanna Rose, hay-cations at Mojeji Ranch, various festivals, events, and outings around town).

8.  What has been the most difficult thing about being married to Tiffany?
The most difficult thing has been knowing how to help with/handle Tiffany’s depression.

9. What advice would you give to a man who is about to get married?
Find a woman that you enjoy spending time with, someone who can be your best friend through thick and thin.

10. Where do you see your marriage in 10 years?
I see us continuing to have even more fun together as the boys grow older, being able to do more with them since they’re more capable and more without them since they’re less helpless.

She Said:

1.  How did you meet your husband?
The first time I met him was at a Sunday School Super Bowl party at his brother's house. I was totally enamored with another guy, so we didn't spark up a relationship that night. 

2.  What was your first impression of him?
I kind of thought he was a snob. He didn't really talk and seemed to be annoyed by all of the small talk. 

3.  Tell about your first time saying 'I love you'?
I think it was on my 23rd birthday. He bought me pink roses. After my party, which was at his house, we were making out hanging out. Suddenly he said, "I don't know what pink roses are supposed to mean, but, I love you." I, of course, told him I loved him too. 

4.  What do you love about him?
I love so many things about him...his laugh, his smile, his very laid back personality. But most of all I like that he is hopeful. He has a deep down feeling that things will work out. I love that. 

5.  Describe your husband in 5 words.
merry, uncomplicated, nurturing, cerebral, capable

6.  What do you remember about the day you got married? 
A lot of people get cold feet. But, after our rehearsal, I was completely CERTAIN that I wanted to marry this man. Because of that, the wedding day was free to just be. It rained in the morning, which my grandma told me was good luck. I remember focusing on my vows making sure to listen to and mean EVERY WORD. I also remember being really hungry. Apparently, no one thought the bride needed nourishment between the hours of 8am and 4pm. 

7.  What is your happiest memory with your husband?
This is probably lame, but my favorite memories are of us laying in bed together (getting ready to go to sleep...not "in bed" together ya dirty worms) and laughing like maniacs about Misheard Lyrics, Autocowrecks, or MentalFloss. 

8.  What has been the most difficult thing about being married to Mark?
He does not just say whatever is on his mind, he has to think it ALL the way through. So if we are fighting, I spend a good deal of time just sitting and staring and saying "Just say SOMETHING." Sometimes, I tell him earlier in the day if there is something we need to sort out...that way he can think about it and know what he wants to say. SOOOOOO frustrating. 

9. What advice would you give to a woman who is about to get married?
Ugh, I say this all the time, but it's just so true...Getting married is a lateral move. In the Christian culture, marriage is put on this weird when you get married you get to move up a rung on the ladder of life. This is simply NOT true. Marriage does not cure loneliness. It will not fix your self image. Whoever you are now is who you will still be after you say "I do." It's not a's a lateral move.

10. Where do you see your marriage in 10 years?
Awe man, in 10 years we'll have teenagers! I hope that means more freedom for our marriage. Maybe he and I can go places and do things the olden days! 

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