Monday, June 8, 2015

10th Anniversary Countdown: Day 4

Gather round and I will tell you the tale of a man, a woman, and a curse. Our story begins as the young couple attends their first date at a local restaurant. It is a noncommittal lunch date on a random Thursday. The gentleman has selected this venue, which is famous for it's delicious pies, because it is both close to his job and reasonably priced. After a pleasant meal and enjoyable company, the young couple leaves, vowing to eat another meal together in the future. Four months later...the restaurant CLOSES. 

The man and the woman continue to dine together...they even begin seeing movies and attending live theater...they go canoeing...they play miniature golf...they talk...they laugh...they love. Eventually, the man decides he would like to spend the rest of his life with the woman. He purchases a token of his affection and plans a date where he will ask her to be his wife. On the date, the couple decides to have dinner at a local Southwestern grill on the Country Club Plaza. After dinner the couple gets engaged. By the time they are married, six months later, the restaurant has CLOSED.

On a warm June evening, the woman, now a wife, is famished because no one bothered to feed her the day of her wedding. The couple is, once again, on the Plaza. Because the Plaza is such a popular destination for both locals and tourists, most of the restaurants do not take reservations. The average wait time for a table on this Saturday night is THREE hours. Starved, the couple decides to get a quick dinner at an upscale pizza chain restaurant...with immediate seating. There they enjoy strange, but tasty, pizzas.

Amused by this silly choice for a wedding night meal, the man and his wife decide to make it their annual tradition. For eight years they go to this moderately priced pizza restaurant on their anniversary. On their ninth anniversary, the couple decides to do something different for a change and they do not eat weird pizza for their anniversary dinner. Three months later, the pizza restaurant CLOSES.  

The establishments wherein the couple celebrated the most important milestones of their relationship... all CLOSED. Dear reader, you are free to draw your own conclusions. But as for us, the couple from this tale, we are making our dining choices VERY carefully these days. If the restaurant where we plan to sup on our tenth anniversary closes, we take full is.. our curse. 

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