Saturday, June 6, 2015

10th Anniversary Countdown: Day 5

When my husband and I were dating and preparing to get married, I was a little nervous about his ability to be a good dad. He's the youngest child in his family and all of his cousins are around the same age as he is, so he never really had an opportunity to be around little kids. He had never even held a baby until after we were married. Mostly, I was concerned because sometimes people who are very cerebral don't have awesome people skills...which you kind of need to raise little PEOPLE. Thankfully, all of my concerns were unfounded. He's been an amazing father since the beginning of our parenting journey...even talking and reading Dr. Seuss books to our unborn child.

When we had babies, my sweet husband gave bottles and changed diapers. He took middle of the night feedings on the weekends. He helped with tummy time and played "flying baby". He carried them on his shoulders so they could see a parade. He was the boss of bath time. In fact, when postpartum depression had me crumpled in a heap on the floor after Big Brother was born, my husband calmly and confidently stepped in and nurtured our baby in a way I was not able to.

Now that our sons are older, he wrestles and plays tag with them. He takes them to the park. He joins in their Lego video games. He prays and sings silly songs at bed time. He helps with homework and Cub Scout projects. He corrects and encourages them. He models responsibility, strong character, and good communication.

Of course, he does not execute his role of fatherhood perfectly. Sometimes he loses his patience...gets annoyed...gets tired. But, even when his humanity bubbles up, our sons know that they are completely and unconditionally loved by this man.

It has been my honor to share the role of parenthood with such an outstanding man.

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