Saturday, June 6, 2015

10th Anniversary Countdown: Day 6

After doing a Q and A with my husband, I decided it would be fun to get my sons' take on dating and marriage. They both have some very definite ideas about relationships...and we very DEFINITELY need to do some education in the ways of wooing before they are old enough to date.

Big Brother (BB) is nearly 8 years old. Little Brother (LB) is 4 1/2.

What do people do on a date?
BB: Go out for food. Anything besides kissing.
LB: Dance, eat cake, sing songs.

When is it OK to kiss someone?
BB: Probably, like, your last date.
LB: At 8:00

What does it mean to be married?
BB: You have to do a lot of hard work in the house.
LB: You dance and eat cake and kiss your lips.

How do you decide who to marry?
BB: You see if they play sports or something. You buy a ring. When it's the right time on your date you say "Will you marry me?"
LB: Kiss someone. Kissing is a good way to marry someone.

What is the right age to get married?
BB: 24
LB: 10 because that's a grownup age.

How long have your parents been married?
BB: 9 years
LB: 8 marrieds.

What do your mom and dad have in common?
BB: Cleaning. Kids.
LB: Dance, hug, kiss their lips.

How are your mom and dad different from each other?
BB: Mom plays sports. Dad does computer stuff.
LB: You don't have the same hair. Also dad's a boy and you're a girl.

What makes daddy a good husband?
BB: He can help you with computer stuff.
LB: Cuz he loves you.

What makes mama a good wife?
BB: You like to have fun.
LB: Cuz you love ME!... and my brother.

What do you have to do to have a happy marriage?
BB: Like each other.
LB: The kids need to be still.

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