Thursday, June 6, 2013

You Can't Predict the Weather

Here in the Midwest, it's been a rainy few weeks.  My garden is LOVING it!  The plants are green and healthy and I've already got squash setting on.  While my garden is full of life...I have not been. 

This year I have noticed just how sensitive I am to weather.  I've always known that winter is not my season.  This Spring, especially, I can almost predict my mood by what the weather is doing.  This week it rained for 3 of 5 days.  I could not get enough sleep.  (Though I have to admit that one day I stayed up way past my bedtime). It felt like I was walking through mud the entire week.  My eyes wouldn't stay open and every single activity I tried only made me more exhausted.  Each day I took a nap and was still able to go to sleep at the normal time at night.  It's not that I was depressed or irritable, just inexplicably and insurmountably tired. the sun is shining brightly.  I've already done more housework in the last two hours than  I did altogether in the last 3 days.  My energy is still fairly low, but I am able to conquer it and get things done. 

While it's an interesting observation, I'm not entirely sure what to do with this information.  I am a young mother of young sons...I've got responsibilities.  I can't afford to be out on any day it isn't sunny.  Any suggestions on how to perk up on gray, rainy days are welcome.  NOTE: I cannot have caffeine.


  1. It always helps me to get out of the house. When the weather is bad we frequent the play area at Oak Park Mall and the Plaza library Children's area. The library also has storytime on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. And U.S. Toy on 103rd and State Line does storytime on Mondays at 10 a.m. Plus there's a couple train tables that my kids love to play with. The only problem with U.S. Toy is then you have to find a way to keep the kids from asking for every toy in sight.

  2. Tiff, try a vitamin D Supplement?! It helps me navigate the seemingly endless winters up here. I know my Mom uses vitamin D for that purpose as well...

  3. Amanda, I take Vitamin D, fish oil and Zoloft, which are all supposed to help with SAD. My naturopath is checking my D levels this week...I might need to be taking more.
