Saturday, June 8, 2013

On Our Anniversary

 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.  Ephesians 5:33

This Tuesday is my 8th wedding anniversary.  While it seems like we were walking down the aisle just yesterday, it also seems that we've been married forever!  I don't mean that in a disparaging way.  What I mean is that in our 8 short years of marriage, my husband and I have been through a lot together.    

It's strange what makes you fall in love with someone.  Some people get that electrified, love at first sight kind of moment.  We didn't have that.  My husband and I met at a Sunday School Super Bowl party.  He was new, I was new, we didn't talk much.  For the next few years, we were part of the same large group of friends (who were also all 20-something singles).  We had a great time just being social and enjoying the company of everyone. 

As time went on I found myself enjoying his company specifically.  I began to notice things about him that I admired.  He was smart...very, very, smart...which is a huge point of attraction for me...the brainier the better!  He was kind and thoughtful...I found myself swooning as he volunteered to help set up for a conference at church that he wasn't even attending.  He loved God and wanted to serve his friends and neighbors. I enjoyed his perspective, his laugh, his broad shoulders, and his cute behind.  After what can only be described as a junior high school she-told-her-friend-who-told-his-friend-who-accidentally-told-HIM-that-I-like-him situation...we began dating.  And a little over a year from our first date, we were wed! 

The road from our wedding day has been paved with disruption, blessing, change, friendship, tears and laughter.  We've been through a total of 5 jobs, 2 houses, 3 pregnancies, 2 births, 2 dogs, 2 churches, 3 cars, 3 Griswold-tastic vacations, 3 ER visits, and 1 pervasive mental illness.  As we've navigated the ups, downs, and in-betweens of life, my husband has proven to be a steady source of strength.  Day after day he proves his love for me and for his sons by actively choosing to care for us, even when we are unlovely. 

The Bible has instructed wives to respect their husbands.  It has been my blessing to be married to a man who is worthy of respect.  It's easy to respect a man who works hard and spends wisely.  It's easy to respect a man who both plays with and disciplines his sons.  It's easy to respect a man who supports me and trusts my judgment.  It's easy to respect a man whose chief goals in life are to glorify God and strengthen others.  It is my honor to be on the journey of life with this man. 

Happy Anni-birthday love.  May God give us many more years together and the strength to walk through them. 

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