Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lent 2014

For the last 5 1/2 years, we have attended a church that observes the Lenten season.  I will participate in the Receiving of Ashes on Wednesday and kick off a 40 day fast that ends on Easter Sunday.   Fasting during Lent is not a requirement of following Jesus.  The concept of the Lenten fast (as I understand it) is to deny yourself something in order to make space to intentionally connect with God.  When I find myself longing for the thing that I've given up I can use it as a reminder to pray or meditate on the things of God.  

Each year I choose a new thing to fast during Lent.  Last year I was feeling pretty rough, so I didn't choose a Lenten fast, but one year I fasted from Facebook each day until 5:00pm. Another year I gave up sugar.  I tried to fast from complaining one year, but it DID NOT go well.

This year I am choosing to give up screen time from dinner time until the next morning.  From around 6:30pm until 6:30am I am abstaining from television, Internet, and iPhone (except as an actual phone).  Instead of using screen time, I plan to read, do yoga, sit in a quiet room and reflect, chat with my husband or friends, and probably a plethora of other things that I've forgotten how to do since the advent of the Internet and Netflix.  Screen time isn't bad.  It is neutral.  I've chosen this fast because I am curious to see where my mind will go when I free it from the things that occupy it continually.

Disconnecting myself from screens entirely is not going to be possible.  We live in a screen laden world.  I'll have to use computers and videos as I teach.  My kids and husband are not fasting screen time, so there are going to be times when it will be unavoidable.  But, after dinner, I have more of an ability to sequester myself in my room, away from the screens.

I've been in a "desert" season in my faith for the last few years.  Since the trauma of Foster Failure, I've been questioning and reevaluating how I am living out my faith.  It is my hope that opening up some space in my schedule and my mind will allow me to get brave enough to finally take those questions and concerns to God.

These 40 days are going to be rough.  Even now I am thinking of specific times when I am going to have to fight the urge to use screen time tooth and nail .  If I don't make it, nobody will be mad at me...except for me of course (perfectionism).   It will be interesting to see what comes up as I take on The Great Screen Fast of 2014.

PS...I will post about this topic each Sunday until Easter.  I promise to be honest about my progress and honest about the results of this fast.

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