Tuesday, December 31, 2013

You Say You Want A Resolution (Or How I Learned To Wear Lipstick)

It's that time of year again...the time when we swear off chocolate, promise ourselves we'll work out more, and commit to losing some weight.  And, if you're over the age of 20, you'll know that New Year's resolutions last about 4 days.  But, I think that the practice of looking forward to a blank new calendar is beneficial.  It's ok to want to start new.  So, how can I make resolutions that take advantage of this time to begin anew while understanding that my high and lofty goals will crash and burn before Ground Hog Day?  The same way I learned to wear lipstick.

Generally, I am not much of a makeup person.  Less is more on my face.  But, I think lipstick makes my face look more formal and complete.  I just HATE the concept of lipstick...all of the reapplying of color and staining of water glasses is not my cup of tea.  So, I found a product that worked for what I really wanted.   It is called lip stain.  I apply this mofo once a day and it stays on for 12-ish hours without needing to reapply. 

So, I had the product, the trick was adding into my makeup routine.  Again, I am not a heavily made up kind of gal, so putting another step into the process was a big deal for me.  But, I was committed.  To accommodate my new cosmetic, I did a small rearrangement in my regimen.  I used to get all of my makeup on then brush my teeth.  Now, I put all of my makeup on, brush my teeth, then apply lip stain (so the toothbrush doesn't mess it up).  I feel like a genius AND I am now the proud owner of  lovely lips. 

As I think over the resolutions that I want to make, using the same technique for change seems logical to me.  Find something that works for me...make small tweaks to fit it into my life...and enjoy the benefits of a tiny, but edifying change. 

I am making 3 resolutions this January.  They are not your traditional resolutions...but they are mine and I am excited about them.

1. I resolve to do what I want.  I don't mean this in a selfish or uncaring way.  It's just that, lately, I've noticed that I have made rules for my life where there should merely be preference.  I should decorate my house the way I want to...raise my children the way I want to...read the books I like...wear the clothes I am comfortable in.   All WITHOUT apology.  Who cares what the trends are?  Not me.  What does it matter if my favorite sweater is no longer in style? It doesn't.  Who knows my kids better than I do?  NOBODY. 

2. I resolve to let my children sort out their own differences without intervening every time.  It's not helping them learn how to manage relationships if I am always stepping in doling out consequences and saying the words that my children should really be saying to one another.  I like peace in my home.  Sometimes letting the kids work it out is going to involve yelling and tears.  I'm choosing to be OK with that.  It's better for all of us if I teach the boys how to navigate their own interpersonal conflicts.

3. I resolve to take myself less seriously.  The reality is that no one is as invested in what I do than me.  My friends and neighbors don't care nearly as much about my life as I imagine they do.  So, if I forgive myself for my missteps and laugh off my dumbest moments...no one's really going to be effected but me. 

To accomplish these things I'm going to have to make small choices.  As the situations present themselves I'll be faced with the decision to do it like I've always done it or take a tiny step forward toward being happier.

In the spirit of change, I hope that you can keep to any resolutions that you make!  Have a safe and happy New Year!!

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